Application of Cover Tape for SMT SMD
The origin of SMT definition
Electronic manufacturing is one of the most important type of information technology industry. For the production and assembly of electronic products, PCBA (printed circuit board assembly) is the most basic and important part. There are commonly the SMT (Surface Mount Technology) and DIP (Dual in -line package) productions.
A pursuing goal in the production of electronic industry is increasing the functional density while reducing the size, i.e., to make the product smaller and lighter. In other words, the purpose is to add more functions to the same size circuit board or to maintain the same function but reduce the surface area. The only way to achieve the goal is to minimize the electronic components, to use them to replace the conventional components. As a result, the SMT is developed.
SMT technology is based on replacing those conventional electronic components by the wafer-type of electronic components and using in-tray for the packaging. At the same time, the conventional approach of drilling and insertion has been replaced by a speedy paste onto the surface of PCB. Moreover, the surface area of PCB has been minimized by developing a multiple layers of boards from a single layer of board.
Advantages from SMT products
To use SMT for the product is for not only the market demand but also its indirect effect on cost reduction. SMT reduces the cost because of the following:
1. The required surface area and layers for PCB are reduced.
The required surface area of PCB for carrying the components is relatively reduced because the size of those assembling components has been minimized. Moreover, the material cost for PCB is reduced, and also there is no more processing cost of drilling for the through-holes. It is because the soldering of PCB in the SMD method is direct and flat instead of relying on pins of the components in DIP to pass through the drilled holes in order to be soldered to the PCB. In addition, the PCB layout becomes more effective in the absence of through-holes, and as a consequence, the required layers of PCB are reduced. For example, an originally four layers of a DIP design can be reduced to two layers by the SMD method. It is because when using the SMD method, the two layers of boards will be sufficient for fitting in all the wiring. The cost for two layers of boards is of course less than that of the four layers of boards.
2. SMD is more suitable for a big quantity of production
The packaging for SMD makes it a better choice for automatic production. Although for those conventional DIP components, there is also an automatic assembling facility, for example, the horizontal type of insertion machine, the vertical type of insertion machine, odd-form insertion machine, and IC inserting machine; nonetheless, the production at each time unit is still less than the SMD. As the production quantity increases for every working time, the unit of production cost is relatively reduced.
3. Fewer operators are required
Commonly, only about three operators are required per SMT production line, but at least 10 to 20 people are required per DIP line. By reducing the number of people, not only the manpower cost is reduced but also the management becomes easier.
For the SMT machine, first you need using Tape and reel to packaging your component. And the format need following EIA Standard, like dimension, pulling strength, the hole of carrier tape.
How to Choose a Cover Tape for SMD, SMT?
Choosing the right carrier tape for your device is only half the battle. Selecting the proper cover tape is also important to protect components, minimize product loss, and ensure a smooth ride through the pick-and-place process.
Heat-activated adhesive (HAA) cover tapes are the most widely used in the electronic component industry. Historically, they have been the least expensive and most readily available cover tapes on the market and work well in many cases. In the taping process, a heated sealing shoe presses the tape onto the edges of the carrier tape on both sides of each device, sealing the cover tape to the carrier tape while leaving the component free from active adhesive. In the HAA taping process, time, heat, and pressure must be carefully controlled to achieve optimum adhesion.
Most component manufacturers are familiar with and comfortable using HAA cover tape. However, compared to some newer technologies, HAA tape may not be the optimal choice for certain applications. The HAA taping process is relatively slow. While that’s not generally a problem for bigger components, smaller components and more devices per inch of carrier tape can markedly slow the production line. Moreover, HAA cover tape peel force is relatively inconsistent compared to more advanced cover tapes (Figure 1). The peel force’s deep lows and high peaks can result in a relatively inconsistent de-taping force at the SMT assembly plant, potentially causing devices to pop out of their carrier tape pockets — known as trampolining — and slowing down production. HAA cover tape’s adhesive can also be affected by time, temperature, and humidity.
For smaller devices, a pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) cover tape may offer a better alternative to HAA tape. As the name implies, PSA tape adheres when pressure is applied; heat is not required to activate the cover tape.
PSA tapes are designed to provide a smoother peel force (Figure 2), minimizing trampolining and increasing production speed regularity. PSA adhesive are also less affected by time and weather conditions. Moreover, because heat is not required, PSA cuts down on energy costs at the component packing stage. The drawback to PSA tapes is that they leave a residue that can build up in SMT feeders over time. This can be mitigated through regular placement equipment cleaning and minor retrofits, which tape suppliers should be able to suggest.
How many kind are cover tapes of Heat Seal and Pressure sensitive>
◆Heat Activated Type (HAA)
1. Normal Type
2. Transparent Type
3. Conductive Type
Read More About "Heat Activated Cover Tape"◆Pressure Sensitive Adhesives Sensitive (PSAs)
1. Normal Type
2. Conductive Type
3. Heat-Resisting Type
Read More About "PSA Cover Tape"Want to know more, Welcome to Contact us
What kind size of cover tape need go with difference width carrier tape like 8 mm, 12 mm, 16 mm, and 24 mm...?
1. Carrier Tape of 8 mm has to be used with Cover tape of 5.4mm.
2. Carrier Tape of 12 mm has to be used with Cover tape of 9.3mm.
3. Carrier Tape of 16 mm has to be used with Cover tape of 13.3mm.
4. Carrier Tape of 24 mm has to be used with Cover tape of 21.3mm.
5. Carrier Tape of 32 mm has to be used with Cover tape of 25.5mm.
6. Carrier Tape of 44 mm has to be used with Cover tape of 37.5mm.
7. Carrier Tape of 56 mm has to be used with Cover tape of 49.5mm.
8. Carrier Tape of 72 mm has to be used with Cover tape of 65.5mm.
9. Carrier Tape of 88 mm has to be used with Cover tape of 81.3mm.
What difference about SMT, SMD, DIP?
SMT(SMT: surface Mount Technology)
SMD(SMD: surface Mount Device)
DIP(Dual In-line Package)
The history about SMT?
The full name of SMT and SMD are surface Mount Technology and Surface Mount Device. SMT means a technology about fix the device on the PCB(Printed Circuit Board). SMD means some kind of electronic components can apply Surface Mount Technology to fix the device on the PCB.
SMT improve the cell phone or other device can become smaller. In the beginning, electronic devices like cell phone were produced by THT, DIP. (THT, Through-Hole Technology)(DIP, Dual-In line Package). The electronic components were not produced very small, if using THT,DIP to fix on PCB. The electronic components size of THT,DIP are about 5mmx5mm. If using SMT , the electronic components size are about 0.4mmx0.2mm.
About peeling Strength from EIA Standard-D (wikipedia)
4.11 in EIA Standard-D:
The cover tape for each style and material of carrier tape shall have a total peel strength of from 0.1 N to 1.0 N (10 grams to 100 grams calibrated scale reading) for 8 mm carrier tapes and 0.1N to 1.3 N (10 grams to 130 grams calibrated scale reading) for 12 mm to 56 mm wide carrier tapes and from 0.1N to 1.5 N (10 grams to 150 grams calibrated scale reading) for 72 mm and wider carrier tapes. Peel is defined as the separation of the full width of the cover tape from the carrier tape or the removal of the center portion of the cover tape from the carrier tape to enable component removal from the cavity. The direction of pull shall be opposite the direction of carrier tape travel such that the cover tape makes an angle of between 165 and 180 degrees with the top of the carrier tape. The cover tape, shall be pulled with a velocity of 300 mm±10 mm/minute, relative to the carrier tape, during peeling, which results inthe cover/carrier tape seal being separated at a rate of 150 mm/minute.
About Cover Tape for SMT SMD, Hou many kind of cover tape type
Cover tape still can call: tape and reel, tape reel, SMD package, semiconductor tape, reel to reel, SMD reels, reel to reel tape, tape and reel packaging, electric reel, tape & reel packagin , 2668 , 2698 , 2671A for semiconductor packaging, component packaging
Cover tape combine with carrier tape and use for package the semiconductor(IC) or Passive components seal electrical and electronic components, it have anti-static layers can anti-static(ESD) during packing, transport and storage. Both PSA and HAA cover tapes can be found in nonconductive and static-dissipative versions. Some cover tapes are termed anti-static which are usually perceived as being the same as static-dissipative cover tapes. Technically, antistatic refers to a material which does not generate a static charge when rubbed against a second material (triboelectric charging). Static dissipative refers to a material which can bleed off a charge through the mechanism which provides it’s surface resistivity.
When sealing an HAA cover tape, temperature refers to the indicated temperature of the sealing mechanism. Heat activated adhesives are dry to the touch at room temperature. The absence of any tackiness is the property that permits their ready handling under these conditions. Tackiness must be attained to get the adhesive to “stick” the cover tape to the carrier tape. To accomplish this, energy in the form of heat is used to “activate” the cover tape’s adhesive system. This activation is the process that raises the temperature of the adhesive until it achieves a level of tackiness which allows it to adhere to the carrier tape. But PSA cover tapes require different processing and handling than heat activated cover tapes and are generally considered to be easier to seal than their heat activated counterparts. The PSA adhesive is a synthetic adhesive formulated to remain tacky over a wide range of temperatures, including room temperature. Hence, PSA cover tapes require no heat to seal them to the carrier. To prevent components from sticking to the adhesive, a liner film is added to cover the adhesive in the center portion of the cover tape.
Force-One is a manufacturer of optical film in Taiwan. Our procducts of tape and reel have high quality, nice price can fit what you want. Our cover tpae have more than 20 kinds for our customers, like: anti-static type, difference adhesive force, difference color, anti-high temporture. We can customized what you need, welcome to contact us.
Force-One's cover tape have very stable peeling strength for PS or PC carrier tape as below.
antistatic PSA Cover Tape (Normal Type)
Width: 5.4mm, 9.3mm, 13.3mm, 21.3mm, 25.5mm, 37.5mm, 49.5mm, 65.5mm, 81.5mm
The Benefits:
1.PET with Pressure Sensitive Adhesives combined with brown or Transparent anti-static film.
2.Excellent and stable quality . The aging (60℃ / 720hrs) and peeling force test had passed.
3.The value of anti-static is 10^9~11, It can prevent ESD issue.
4.Excellent sealing. Can meet any carrier tape of PC, PS, PET to seal.
5.Thickness: 60 ± 5 um. Can anti high temperatures before vacuum packaging ( 80℃) without peeling issue.
PSA Cover Tape(Heat-Resisting Type)
The Benefits:
1.PET with Pressure Sensitive Adhesives combined with brown or Transparent anti-static film.
2.Excellent and stable quality . The aging (60℃ / 720hrs) and peeling force test had passed.
3.The value of anti-static is 10^9~10^11, Adhesive is 10^8~10 It can prevent ESD issue.
4.Excellent sealing. Can meet any carrier tape of PC, PS, PET to seal.
5.Thickness: 60 ± 5 um. Can anti high temperatures before vacuum packaging (120℃) without peeling issue.
Want to know more, Welcome to Contact us
Read About "Sealing Heat Cover Tape"
>Cutting Line:
===The Introduction of Force-One's Cover Tape===
Force-One's is uniquely designed to peel through the film itself and available as static dissipative.The cover tapes for semiconductor(IC) or Passive components seal electrical and electronic components into Carrier Tapes, it have anti-static layers can anti-static(ESD) during packing, transport and storage. The cover tapes for semiconductor could combine excellent sealing properties with smooth peel force to protect IC or Passive components and permit efficient pick-and-place operations. The full line of Force-One's Cover Tapes includes conductive, non-conductive and static dissipative products with heat activated or pressure-sensitive adhesive.
Both PSA and HAA cover tapes can be found in non-conductive and static-dissipative versions. Some cover tapes are termed anti-static which are usually perceived as being the same as static-dissipative cover tapes. Technically, anti-static refers to a material which does not generate a static charge when rubbed against a second material (triboelectric charging). Static dissipative refers to a material which can bleed off a charge through the mechanism which provides it’s surface resistivity. A non-conductive material is defined as having a surface resistivity (Rs) greater than 10^12 ohms/square. Static dissipative material is defined as having a surface resistivity (Rs) between 10^5 ohms/square and 10^12 ohms/square. While conductive material is defined as having a surface resistivity (Rs) of less than 10^5 ohms/square.
The cover tapes(Tape & Reel) for semiconductor(IC) or Passive components is good for SMD/SMT(Surface-Mount Device / Surface-Mount Technology) process. And can anti-static cover tape for packaging of surface mount devices (ESD protection).
Common TDS: Thin:0.05~0.06 mm ; Transmittance: 60%~89% ; Haze: 3%~30% ; Anti-static: ≦10^9-11Ω/sq ; Working temperature:140℃ - 190℃ ; RA pass:55℃~60℃/720 hrs
Width: 5.4mm, 9.3mm, 13.3mm, 21.3mm, 25.5mm, 37.5mm, 49.5mm, 65.5mm, 81.5mm
◆Heat Activated Type (HAA)
1. Normal Type
2. Transparent Type
3. Conductive Type
Read More About "Heat Activated Cover Tape"◆Pressure Sensitive Adhesives Sensitive (PSAs)
1. Normal Type
2. Conductive Type
3. Heat-Resisting Type
Read More About "PSA Cover Tape"Want to know more, Welcome to Contact us
*****Sealing Heat Activated Cover Tape*****
For any heat-activated adhesive cover tape, as a general rule,increasing temperature, dwell time, and pressure on a given sealing machine will, within limits, increase adhesion (peel). However, for most of the HAA cover tapes available in the marketplace today, temperature and dwell will have a greater affect on adhesion than pressure. The ways these variables interact in the sealing process are of interest to anyone trying to control a packaging process.
>Normal Type Cover Tape
Similar as Common TDS
>Transparent Type Cover Tape
Special TDS: Transmittance: 89%
>Conductive Type Cover Tape
Special TDS: PET's anti-static: ≦10^5-10Ω/sq ; Adhesive anti-static: ≦10^9Ω/sq
*****Pressure Sensitive Adhesives Cover Tape*****
PSA cover tapes require different processing and handling than heat activated cover tapes and are generally considered to be easier to seal than their heat activated counterparts. The PSA adhesive is a synthetic adhesive formulated to remain tacky over a wide range of temperatures, including room temperature. Hence, PSA cover tapes require no heat to seal them to the carrier. To prevent components from sticking to the adhesive, a liner film is added to cover the adhesive in the center portion of the cover tape. PSA cover tapes are slightly more complex in their cons
>Normal Type-Cover Tape
Similar as Common TDS
>Conductive Type Cover Tape
Special TDS: Adhesive anti-static:≦10^3-5Ω/sq
>Heat-Resisting Type Cover Tape
Special TDS: Can Heat-Resisting: 125℃/8hr or 50℃/24hr
Want to know more, Welcome to Contact us
About Cover Tape
Cover tape still can call: tape and reel, tape reel, SMD package, semiconductor tape, reel to reel, SMD reels, reel to reel tape, tape and reel packaging, electric reel, tape & reel packagin , 2668 , 2698 , 2671A for semiconductor packaging, component packaging
Cover tape combine with carrier tape and use for package the semiconductor(IC) or Passive components seal electrical and electronic components, it have anti-static layers can anti-static(ESD) during packing, transport and storage. Both PSA and HAA cover tapes can be found in nonconductive and static-dissipative versions. Some cover tapes are termed anti-static which are usually perceived as being the same as static-dissipative cover tapes. Technically, antistatic refers to a material which does not generate a static charge when rubbed against a second material (triboelectric charging). Static dissipative refers to a material which can bleed off a charge through the mechanism which provides it’s surface resistivity.
When sealing an HAA cover tape, temperature refers to the indicated temperature of the sealing mechanism. Heat activated adhesives are dry to the touch at room temperature. The absence of any tackiness is the property that permits their ready handling under these conditions. Tackiness must be attained to get the adhesive to “stick” the cover tape to the carrier tape. To accomplish this, energy in the form of heat is used to “activate” the cover tape’s adhesive system. This activation is the process that raises the temperature of the adhesive until it achieves a level of tackiness which allows it to adhere to the carrier tape. But PSA cover tapes require different processing and handling than heat activated cover tapes and are generally considered to be easier to seal than their heat activated counterparts. The PSA adhesive is a synthetic adhesive formulated to remain tacky over a wide range of temperatures, including room temperature. Hence, PSA cover tapes require no heat to seal them to the carrier. To prevent components from sticking to the adhesive, a liner film is added to cover the adhesive in the center portion of the cover tape.
2668 , 2698 , 2671A
About Force-One
Force-One Applied Materials CO., LTD. is a professional optical film manufacturer. And have know how of formulas. We can meet difference specifications for every customer with high quality. Our customers are all over the world include America ,India , China ,Taiwan , Malaysia , Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia.